Ben Escobar and his Cocaine Tea

Posted by on Jun 27, 2011 in Bolivia | 2 comments

Well… cocaine tea might be a stretch. But I’ve had an awfully sore throat the past couple of days. Per Andean tradition I’ve been gar-gelling a traditional concoction: warm water, coca leaves, and salt. In Bolivia coca leaves are everywhere, and there are countless remedies that call for the leaves. We have used them to combat altitude sickness and most recently to help with a sore throat. So far, they haven’t helped with my sore throat, but we’ll see.

Coca Tea

Coca leaves have always played a big role in the Andean culture,  throughout Peru, Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Argentina. The current president of Bolivia is a former coca farmer. He is also friends with Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. So he isn’t really big fan of the United States and our corporations. Well…except Ford and Chevy are alright they make a lot better cars than any company in Bolivia, Cuba or Venezuela. And Coca-Cola is ok… I guess you can have your cake and eat it too.

We learned about another natural remedy while in the market… cow face soup. I call it cow face soup, not sure what the real name is, but I’m pretty sure its not as good as my name. If you don’t have enough natural milk to feed your baby, then you make a soup out of one of these cow faces, eat it, and voila your breasts are full of milk. Yum.

Tasty Cow Faces




  1. At first I believed your story about cow face soup, but then I realized it was bull.

  2. Loving all your adventures – thanks so much for sharing your travels and stories with us :) Perhaps the cow face soup would be a good substitute for breast enhancements? 😉 OC/LA…watch out!

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